Parents could be a life saver at this pandemic

There is a sharp increase of suicide cases in Malaysia during this tough pandemic time. The covid-19 has affected most of our lives whether in financially or emotionally. Actually what do you all think the first trigger point that lead to suicide attempt? Is it because Covid-19? Is it because no money? Is it because no job? Is is because of family issue? All of the suicide cases almost have the same similarity where first they have the crisis that is unsolvable in that moment. Therefore, they have lost the hope to world due to there's no solution to the crisis.

Why do we see some crisis as something that's unsolvable? The answer is very obvious because we never came across the crisis we are facing now. We see this as the first time we encounter and already disregard the possibility that the crisis is solvable with just longer duration.

Just a reminder that our parents has been there for the crisis. Some of our unlucky parents has been suffer through at the global financial crisis with no money no job losing money. Some maybe lucky and didn't suffer a lot but they still have been through the darkest history as well.

Some issues you seems to unsolvable but is just a small matter in our parents eye. Remember to seek help from your parents first before trying to have a suicide attempt. Their wisdom and experiences for all these years can't be ignore and could help you a little. Don't ever think your parents is old and they can't help you anything. They might not able to help you financially but they at least can provide some guidance to you at this darkest time based on their experience how they have survive in past crisis all these years.

This approach is more well suited for the youngsters that are struggling at this pandemic time because youngsters nowadays tend to open their problem and struggles to their close friend instead of the parents. You should also consider parents as an option when asking for help. Don't close their help's door because you hate your parents and don't like them. No matter how they are the one who bring you to this world and nothing more they want to see you suffer like this if they could help.

At last, we need to always stay calm and rational at this toughest covid-19 time. Any crisis you seems unsolvable is just temporary. Nothing is going to last forever. Can't find hope in this world then you need to realize yourself that you should seek help from anyone be it strangers or someone you are close to. Realize that yourself is imperfect therefore the world has other peoples coexist with you to help you to reach your goal! 

Just remember don't close the last door yourself before people can reach to you and help you!


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