Stock Guru Lead to Someone's Suicide Attempt
This topic is worth to have a discussion especially lately of the popularity of share market in my local country here. Recently, many people have lost job due to Covid-19 but thinking a way to earn some income or getting rich from stock market.
The reason I started this topic is 988 radio station has a guy call in say he has lost all of his money in share market by following some stock guru in investing. He also attempting to suicide due to losing hope. You can listen the full details from the following video starting from 42:09. (P.S. I don't think suicide still can claim the insurance now. Correct me if I am wrong)
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Kudos to the DJ for giving him emotional support whether is helping or not at the end but at least we try. I am not saying the stock guru is the one should be blame in this whole incident because no one can force you unless you want to, right? However, I only dislike these kind of immature stock guru is that they are using those puppet words to manipulate human brain and heart. Like the one in following picture of one of the stock chat group in Facebook. How can they not all in with the words below?
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Of course, you will say he didn't tell you to all in everything but the words already contains the element of misleading or manipulating people to do some actions. Nowadays, there are a lot of stock gurus popping out whether be in Facebook, Youtube or WhatsApps. Some of them are very young and not sure about their experience in teaching people.
In summary, stock gurus need to remember their words whether be written or spoken will have influence on actual people real lives especially you are charging your student fees. Want to be a guru please be like a teacher with responsibility and should know what to say and what's not. Don't say everything so full and blow water like nothing.
At the end, stock markets investor should always know everything has a limit. Investment in stock market is not a bad thing but what's bad is the people manipulating behind the stock market. However, wish that guy can recover sooner and gave up the thought of suicide.
Well said!